Have you every heard of Lake Winnipesaukee? I have because it's the lake that Bob Wiley (played by Bill Murray), the neurotic patient newly acquired by Dr. Leo Marvin (played by Richard Dreyfuss), has to travel to in order to track down his vacationing shrink in the movie - What About Bob? It's a favorite movie in our family and it is fun to see some images from this location.
I've been visiting this Wiers Channel cam for quite a while without realizing it had anything to do with beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee. The cam looks over the channel of water that connects Lake Winnipesaukee to Paugus Bay. From here you can get a view of the marina, a drive-in theater, and majestic mountains including the Sandwich Range. The view from these cottages is amazing. Just how charming can a vacation setting get? Proctor's Lakehouse Cottages have been around for 1/2 a century according to the brief history provided on their website and it looks like a quaint vacation getaway. Both cameras - Proctor's Lakehouse Cottages and WIer's Channel Cam provide a nice clear image, have excellent scenery to focus on, and provide a rapid change of images that makes these cameras fun to tune into everytime I've visited.
While the movie is supposed to take place in NH, it was actually filmed in and around Moneta, Virginia on Smith Mountain Lake. When they started filming, the leaves in NH had already started turning and would not pass for summer time.
Posted by: Joe | February 24, 2008 at 10:02 PM
Which town on Lake winnipesaukee did the What About Bob? take place in?
Posted by: leslie | August 15, 2005 at 12:57 PM